Vaginal atrophy was associated with lack of estrogen levels which commonly found in menopausal women. However, postpartum women may also experience with this hypoestrogenic because of lactation.
Although breastfeeding is crucial for infant development as well as for mother’s health, however, it also decreases estrogen levels. Therefore, it is not surprised when finding young postpartum women complained about painful sex, discomfort during urination, and itching. In fact, the painful sex can reach in extreme levels like someone is ripping out her insides.
In the examination of the outer genitalia for such complaints, the vulva can be pale pink, shiny, redness, and even with small red or purple spot due to minor hemorrhage, even though the vaginal muscles still strong. In fact, the tone may become too tight, making it difficult to relax the muscles and pain when the speculum is inserted during speculum examination.
Similar physical symptoms also occur in the cervix and vaginal walls, including to less vaginal discharge. On further analysis, there is also few lactobacilli (good bacteria for a balanced vaginal environment that can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria) but no bacterial vaginosis or fungus, and no infection.
In such conditions, there is nothing to do rather than keep healthy diet and lifestyle, while using any external lubricants to ease the painful sex. Healthy diet like consuming foods rich in Phytoestrogen content is important to recover from hypoestrogenic.
However, there is a quite effective method to solve this matter in a natural way. You can use vaginal cream that contains phytoestrogen to replace your low estrogen levels as well as stimulate own estrogen production, activate the vaginal lubrication cells to produce lubricating fluids during stimulation, and instantaneous lubrication for more pleasure during sexual intercourse.
There is remained question, will this influence milk production or content?
A cream containing phytoestrogen normally safe for breastfeeding women because of mimic human estrogen and no effect in milk distribution and production. In fact, with depth consultation, the doctors even prescribes Estradiol creams (a cream containing the synthetic hormone of estrogen or known as E2 creams) that used several times a week and found no effect in decreasing milk supply while resulting no more painful sex and make sex becomes more enjoyable.Overall, vaginal dryness or atrophy during lactation or breastfeeding is common cases in postpartum women, and this is treatable in many ways.
Aaraike is a team of women who helps other independent women to sail through their pregnancy & post pregnancy period and cares about mother and new born baby.