Childbirth or having vaginal delivery is the most causes of
loose vagina. Although this is naturally for getting offspring (except
for cesarean), however, the process really damages the tissues, muscles,
and perineum around the vagina. Of course, such damages can be healed
within certain weeks post-op, which usually takes around 3 to 8 weeks
for recovery. However, that condition would not restore vaginal
tightness prior delivery.
This condition could be worst if not treated properly, especially
with healthy lifestyle and diets (particularly diets rich in
phytoestrogen content) because new mothers also generally experience
with a significant drop of their estrogen or hormone, making them
experience with vaginal dryness, either due to an episiotomy during
childbirth, lactation which can lower their estrogen levels, childbirth
process itself, and side effect of oral contraceptives. Thus, other than
vagina sensation, they may also experience with painful sex or
For physical appearance, generally the vagina is in a stress condition
post vaginal delivery, which is accompanied by edema and bruised while
the vaginal orifice in the open condition. Within 1-2 days, the edema
will reduce and the vaginal wall back to smooth.
At this condition, the width of the vaginal hole certainly wider
prior delivery, but it will shrink back over the formation of rugae at 3
weeks post delivery, even though the size still slightly wider than
On the other hand, the vaginal muscles also experience with loss of
its contraction either caused by surgery and delivery itself and/or the
effects of analgesics and anesthesics.Overall,
vaginal delivery causes
severe damage to the vaginal walls and muscles.
For vaginal wall tightness and elasticity, this may recover over the
time in accordance to estrogen levels of the mother. Unfortunately, the
estrogen levels post delivery and during lactation almost drop in
postpartum women. Worse yet, use of oral contraceptive may exacerbate
the levels. If this condition followed by quite regular sexual
intercourse in just a few months post delivery, the vagina is more
likely to be poor of tightness and elasticity. This is also happening to
the vaginal muscles where its strength also influenced by the mother’s
hormone in addition to declined muscle tone.
Because the vaginal muscles are easily identified, therefore
gynecologists recommends postpartum women performing kegel exercise to
restore the tone. However, for the vaginal wall, there is no way than
maintaining their estrogen levels.
Alternatively, the doctors may prescribe Estrogen Replacement Therapy
(ERT) to maintain the levels or sometime with Progesterone Replacement
Therapy (PRT) to control dominant levels of estrogen. Unfortunately,
this synthetic hormone of estrogen potentially posting several side
effects in both short and long-run and therefore should be used in short
therapy when doctors analyzing the benefits would outweight the risks.
Sufficient supply of women’s estrogen to their genital organ is
crucial for maintaining the tightness and elasticity of their vaginal
wall (tissues) and muscles, including to the moisture of the vagina.
Unfortunately, this estrogen also needed by other organs, metabolism,
circulatory system, and many systems in the body, such as the bone,
breasts, metabolism of lipids, hair, eye, brain, cardiovascular system,
etc, causing their genital organ have less supply of oesterogen. Worst,
this insufficient levels of estrogen supply also exacerbated by monthly
menstruation, breastfeeding, and side effects of oral contraceptives,
making almost postpartum women experience with degradation of vaginal
tightness and dryness in any levels.
The key is still on estrogen. But here you do ‘replace’ or ‘delegate’
it from human-like estrogen derived from certain botanical sources
which also known as phytoestrogen. Unlike synthetic estrogen,
phytoestrogen are considered to be safe as it’s mimic human estrogen and
studies have showed this type of estrogen even can prevent breast
cancer onset and fight tumor cells.
There are so many types of phytoestrogens. Some of them are less
strong, but others are very powerful. Aloe vera, fenugreek, black cohosh
are some plants containing phytoestrogens. However, for tightening and
rejuvenating properties, Oak gall, Pueraria mirifica, and Witch hazel
have shown very aggressively with estrogenic activities in stimulating
collagen and elastin production, and increase the fiber muscle mass. In
terms of vaginal atrophy,
such as vaginal dryness, itching, soreness,
white dischage, etc., these plants also showed the most active
estrogenic activities to overcome the symptoms, as well as vaginal pH
and antibacterial properties..
For that reasons,
Vagitot Cream
uses the most stronger estrogenic activities obtained from Oak gall and
Witch hazel extracts to help postpartum women in restoring and tighten
up both their vaginal muscle and wall as well as its health in the form
of cream product. Why cream? This form will make the active substances
to be easily absorbed and doing its steroid activities immediately.