
Friday, 23 October 2015

Loose and Tighten Up Vagina due to Menopause

Menopausal and postmenopausal women are women who inactively produce estrogen in the rest of their life. As a result, while experiencing several menopausal symptoms that can lower their quality of life such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings, as well as progressive development of osteoporosis among postmenopausal women, they may also experience with vaginal atrophy like dryness of the vagina. As side benefits, no more monthly painful menstruation.
Vaginal dryness doesn’t only causes painful sex, but also making the vagina become loose and loss of its elasticity. Estrogen plays vital roles in increasing collagen exposure in the vaginal walls to maintain the tightness and its elasticity, as well as the role of estrogen in producing vaginal lubricating fluids to keep the vagina moisture and supporting its elasticity and health (by maintaining its guts environment). This is a basic role of estrogen to the female genital organ other than many health benefits, such as cardiovascular health, skin health, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Thus, it is not surprised when women in this age group tend to have lower libido or even lost at all due to prolonged painful sex caused by vaginal dryness, poor sexual sensitivity as declined “youthfulness” of their vaginal wall and impact of menopausal symptoms, and almost lack of vaginal grip and contractions during penetration.
In other words, SEX is a painful and an unpleasure activity. Like or dislike, this many happened in this age group. Worst, in several studies, these conditions are main cause of sexual dysfunction among menopausal and postmenopausal women when left untreated.
Therefore, the success key in maintaining the vaginal tightness, as well as overcome vaginal dryness, menopausal symptoms and general health lies in how they maintain sufficient levels of their hormone, particularly with estrogen.
Unfortunately, common synthetic hormone replacement therapy that available todays are potentially harmful their health when used in the long run.
Therefore, based on a well systematic studies conducted by the Women’s Health Institute (WHI) for the link between synthetic HRT and breast cancer risk as well as cardiovascular health, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and the Endocrine Society, are recommended the use of HRT only for short-term therapy and strictly under doctor supervised.
Now the question is, what about estrogen from botanical source?Most scientists agree that estrogen from botanical source or phytoestrogen are highly mimic human estrogen. Due to this, natural estrogen considered to be safe and beneficial for women’s health and human’s health as a whole.
Does this type of estrogen also associate to the risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular health?This is a “uniqueness” of phytoestrogen. While synthetic estrogen associated to the risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular health, phytoestrogen showed reverse that risks.
One of the studies published in Environment Health Perspective in 2008 from the Columbia University revealed that phytoestrogen has showed fighting breast cancer through certain mechanisms which still poorly to be understood. The study author, Sarah M. Mense, said that phytoestrogen may have a chemoprotective role against breast cancer by various mechanisms, such as estrogen-metabolizing enzymes, ability for the cancer cells to suicide themselves, cell differentiation, cell cycle, proliferation, the inflammatory response and various cell signaling pathways.
In other words, phytoestrogen with their ‘amazing mysterious mechanisms’ may not only prevent breast cancer risk, but also fight the cancer.
Back to estrogen levels in menopausal and postmenopausal women…
In order to overcome vaginal dryness and maintaining the youthful of the vaginal tissues and muscles, the role of estrogen is very crucial in regenerating the vaginal tissues and restore the muscle strength and tone.
If this levels can’t be maintained, the vaginal wall become thin and fragile, easily injure during penetration (causing more susceptible with bacterial infections), no more elastic, no more tight, and lack of lubrication with its negative impacts. That because the estrogen does only increase collagen exposure in the vaginal tissues and restore the strength of vaginal muscles, but also enhance vaginal fluid production.This is what Vagitot Cream does for menopausal and postmenopausal women.
– If you already had vaginal dryness, of course this natural-based cream very helpful to lubricate the vagina instantaneously for more pleasure of sex. This is certainly different when compared with oil-based cream that may trap bad bacteria thus leading to infections or yeast vaginosis.


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